Découvertes Voici quelques exemples de modes de découvertes disponibles dans l'app 33. carte Protocol 8Enter into resolution...Commit your will and contact your resources!mesure Energy centersThe energy plexuses, or chakras, are nodes of energy concentration and distribution. Measure and rebalance them...Energy channelsMeridians guide and regulate your internal energy. Measure and rebalance them.carte TemporalIs there an area of your life that you are wondering about?See how far you've come and where you're going!QuestionActivate the resources that will help you overcome a difficulty.ProjectDo you want to realize an inner work or an interesting project? Find in yourself the most relevant resources!scan 8 CorpusQuickly scan all of your 8 corpus, identify blockages at all levels, and solve them!mesure Heart Rate variabilityMeasure your stress index and overall energy, and act accordingly!quizz Strengths and WeaknessesWhat to look out for? What to rely on?